

~ by Leigh Anne Geiter

New Green Ideas isn’t just a concept or a strategy.  There’s actually a website with this same name.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised at some of the ideas they’re recently come up with.  You can tell that as “Green,” conservation, and sustainability become part of our society’s consciousness, people are coming up with such simple ideas that make a lot of sense.  Want to expand your mind & get yourself thinking?  Read up, research, and then let your eco-imagination go wild!  Here’s a great website, with a simple name, & lots of cool ideas on how we can continue to generate green ideas that will help our Planet:        

Going Green!

By: Jenilee Rivera

Be a responsible human being and Go Green, even the smallest of changes can bring about a lasting impact.
Could this be considered the new... Butterfly Effect.
The idea was that if a butterfly chances to flap his wings in Beijing in March, then, by August, hurricane patterns in the Atlantic will be completely different

How much would the world change if each one of us did
"one green thing!"


You could be the butterfly!
Just a few reasons why going green is the way to our future.
going green   Drive less...breath better! 
Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes about 19 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. For a single car driving 1,000 miles a month, that adds up to 120 tons of CO2 a year.
going green   Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year, and 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles every hour.
going green   If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25 million trees a year.
going green   If all the cars on U.S. roads had properly inflated tires, it would save nearly 2 billion gallons of gasoline a year.
going green   By turning the heat down, Americans could save more than 500,000 barrels of oil each day--that's over 21,000,000 gallons.
You can be the Butterfly! 
Help Change the World... Go Green!


Afghanistan: Qaderi Plastic Recycling Company

By: Terry Shannon

     As part of the continued effort to encourage growth in the Afghan small and medium
enterprise sector by ensuring that domestic industry potential is maximized all along the value chain, USAIDs Afghanistan Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ASMED) project recently inaugurated a significant investment in small and medium enterprise growth in Regional Command North. In December 2010, the Qaderi Plastic Recycling Company inaugurated its new equipment, which it purchased through a $55,000 value-chain improvement grant.

     Qaderi, which began operations in 2006, is the only company providing recycling services in the northern region of Afghanistan. The company receives and recycles plastic from northern region provinces, and then sorts the collected plastic according to color and quality. Prior to the grant, the company sent the collected plastic to Pakistan for processing. Now the company is able to recycle the plastic waste in Mazar. Qaderi is committed to establishing additional collection centers throughout the five northern provinces.